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Week 6


This week we have started learning all about light. We explored light in our tuff spot area where we ventured into the dark den with our torches and explored how different materials shine and reflect and which are dull. 

This week we have also started our Pathways to Poetry and have been learning all about minibeasts! We explored the different way that these insects moved and words we could use to describe them! We really enjoyed acting out how they moved with marching ants, wriggling worms and jumping grasshoppers! We then made spiders and ladybirds using circles and rectangles. 

In Maths we were also looking at sequencing events correctly using first, then and finally and we followed instructions to make jam sandwiches! Yum!

The children were also fantastic in their Nativity and sang beautifully.  We are very proud of you Castleton cats!

Nativity - We're going on a baby hunt
