Home Page


Mrs Gallen and the Nursery team wish you all a very warm welcome

to our Nursery page.

(Early Years Foundation Stage - EYFS 1)


We hope you will find everything you need to know about our wonderful Nursery and get an insight into all of the exciting things your

children do with us.


We work hard to provide an incredibly caring, secure and safe environment where we can all have fun, flourish and enjoy learning exciting new things. 

EYFS Lead:

Mrs Richardson


Teacher:                                       TLA:

Mrs Gallen                                   Mrs May





If you need to speak to your child's class teacher there are a couple of ways you can do this.

1. Write a note and give it your child to pass onto us. 

2. Phone or email the office and leave a message. We will then try to contact you within the day but this is not always possible. We will always return your call.

3. Organise to speak to us after school at a time that is convenient for us all.



Ideas for Maths at home




(2024 - 2025)
