This week we have had a fantastic time learning all about the animals that visited us from Zoo Lab! The children got to hold a and stroke a ball python snake called Caas, a hissing cockroach, leopard gecko and watch Splat the Austrialian tree frog climb up our classroom door! The children were very careful with the animals and we got to ask lots of questions!
The children also had lots of fun exploring and investigating dinosaur poo. Together we looked inside to see if we could work out which poo was from a carnivore, a herbivore and an omnivore.
We also had a wonderful time outside riding bikes in the sunshine and pretending to be pirates.
This week we also recieved an exciting message in a bottle from the Pirates! We spent some time reading their secret messages and then wrote some of our own!
We have also been learning all about dinsoaur skeletons and fossils! We even made our own T-Rex skeletons and they looked amazing!